Friday, 18 September 2009

365 by a factor of 12 - August

I didn't do a great deal in August, even less so far in September, so maybe I will shoot my toe for the next 365 entry ha ha.

Perspective Power
Perspective Power
I have been looking for a clear scene like this since about 2002/3 and never found one that quite done it for me in a symmetrical kind of way, so anyway, I went looking for ruin that my friend told me about months ago, while I was there I found him out for a walk, life is odd at times!
The ruin was totally over grown (probably OK in winter) and a non event, so went for a wander, spotted this and thought,it has just about all the elements I want.
The hum from the cables is very noticeable this close, it actually interfered with the radio trigger and a few images have weird patterns on them, a little unnerving!

River Mermaid
River Mermaid
Later in the month as per an earlier entry, I met up and worked with Katy T after an 18 month absence.
This was just about the last shot from the shoot, unfortunately we attracted the attention of an unplanned audience, oops, which put a bit of a dampener on things, then the heavens opened and we were basically rained off, which pretty much turned the dampener into a full on flood, so that was that really.
Better luck next time hopefully! ha ha.


  1. Hi darling! :) Just to let you know that I move my blog for another page... (some problems with the other one =/) now I'm here!! xx

  2. I'd be interested to see those messed images from the power line, just curious. :-P

  3. I never kept them sorry, they just had wavy lines on them, a bit like TV interference before the days of digital TV, just a waste of space on the hard drive :P
    If I do any more I'll save you one.

  4. Aw, yay! You posted one of lil' ole me :) I will look back on that shoot with a good memory. It was a shocking reaction compared to what they would've done in the US...out come the handcuffs, lol. Hope to see you this summer again :)


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